Gone are the days when parents used to look for potential life partners for their children. With the advent of technology and the internet, even matchmaking has become digital. A lot of matrimonial websites have come into the foray. The matrimonial websites are created using PHP matrimonial scripts. Matrimony script is offered by several professional companies helping you to create a matrimonial website. We are one of the most trusted and experienced companies when it comes to developing matrimonial script PHP. We use our efficient matrimonial software to develop matrimonial script of various types. We have four kinds of scripts namely, Mega matrimonial script, Ultimate matrimonial script, corporate matrimonial script and advanced matrimonial script. The different scripts come with different features and templates suited for each purpose. The dedicated PHP matrimonial software developers and marketing team constantly works to improve the online presence of their esteemed clients. If you are thinking of creating a marriage portal of your own, waste no more time and get in touch with us.
As the leading industry, price doesn't to be significant for us. Our goal to provide quality services without any hurdles. Watch out our pricing details and contact us.
*First Month - ₹ 500
(1) The script, which is issued to a designated user, enables such designed user to install and use script only single domain.
(2) We are not responsible for any damages including any general, special, incidental damages arising out of the changes done to the code or arising out of the use or inability to use the program (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you.)
(3) We deliver only source code as per deal.
(4) We provide only encryption code but we will not provide source code.
(5) We reserve the right the copyright notices text/link in the footer of all pages.
(6) The copyright notices text/link can be removed ONLY by purchasing script.
(7) You will remove our company name as per our deal.
(8) We provide only single domain but not provide multiple domain.
(9) When domain expire, our company is not responsible.
(10) We provide encryption code but after 1 month if you did not renew/support of your website, we are not responsible for any problem on your website.